Children’s rights as research: Seeking children’s views on matters that concern them

Presented by Dr Deborah Harcourt


This two-part series will explore and expand the idea of ‘teacher as researcher’ through the examples of several projects undertaken with children from 2-6 years of age. The intention is to go beyond finding out what children know about topics, rather we will unpack what it means to include children’s voices in matters that concern them and that they have a right to have an opinion about. These will include how children measure the quality of their early childhood experiences, what it means to be a child and what rights are from the child perspective. We hope to generate interest in developing authentic opportunities to share children’s views and opinions as part of the on-going relationship between children and their teachers.

Completing Children's rights as research: seeking children's views on matters that concern them will contribute one hour of PD that aligns with the NESA (NSW) criteria for Elective PD and addresses:

The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers: APST 6: Engage in professional learning

The Early Years Learning Framework Learning Outcomes: Outcome 2: Children are connected and contribute to their world

The National Quality Standard: QA 5: Relationships with children

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