So… The learning frameworks have been updated – What now?

Presented by Anthony Semann & Dr Red Ruby Scarlet


Join Dr Red Ruby Scarlet and Anthony Semann as they support and walk you through the updates to the EYLF V2.0 and MTOP V2.0. With their combined experience in pedagogy, curriculum and leadership, Red and Anthony will guide you through the updates and what they mean for your everyday practice in the context of the National Quality Standard. This webinar will reassure you that your existing practice is valid and valuable with new and exciting opportunities to build on your current knowledge and experience as we embark together on new practice playfulness. In their easy conversational delivery, Red and Anthony will engage with the new updates giving you confidence to take the next steps to new and exciting ways of working. These are suitable for all staff including education staff, educational leaders and nominated supervisors. Register now before they are fully booked out..!

Completing So… The learning frameworks have been updated – What now? may contribute one-hour of PD that aligns with the NESA (NSW) criteria for Elective PD and addresses:

The Australian Professionals Standards for Teachers: APST 3: Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning

Early Years Learning Framework Learning Outcomes: Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved learners

The National Quality Standard: 

QA 1: Educational program and practice



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